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Fostering Psychological Safety

A Psychological Safety programme that supports respectful, inclusive, and productive conversations within organisations. Foster high-performing teams and translate great ideas into action, without delay.

Find out more

The Benefits of Fostering Psychological Safety

Organisational hygiene is fundamental to growing effective teams. Open and inclusive environments don't just happen by accident; when prioritised they boost employee health, innovation, and the bottom line.

An effective team values psychological safety as much as physical safety and performance standards.


Enhance Employee Engagement

When team members feel able to speak up at work, they engage in team meetings, solve problems, collaborate across projects and engage with their customers and peers.

Highly engaged and motivated employees outperform those that aren't.

Embrace the Learning Zone

Feedback can be constructive and kind. Team members who feel psychologically safe at work are able to have direct conversations about any challenges with their leaders. And vice-versa.

Foster an Inclusive Culture

If physical safety is non-negotiable, why not make psychological safety a key priority? Safe, open and courageous work practices help team members feel included. The result is a community experience focused on mutual understanding, co-creating goals, and navigating disagreements constructively.

Build Trust with Leadership

Take the oxygen out of office politics. When teams and leaders trust each other and can speak openly, decision-making takes less time and energy. Freedom to discuss obstacles fosters a learning environment for high performing teams to thrive.

Inspire Creativity

Creativity and ideas flow organically when team members feel safe enough to express themselves candidly in the workplace. When teams feel included, they can bring diverse ideas to the table. This is crucial to feed innovation in any organisation.

Create Brand Ambassadors

Creating a psychologically safe workplace can inspire team members to share the benefits of your organisation out loud, both inside and outside of the workplace. Belonging is not just good for everyone, it is also good for business.

What is Involved?

Psychological safety is growing as a practice and sits within cultural transformation programmes.

It can be daunting to consider these conversations, but the outcomes are tangible and considerable.


Through this bespoke programme, we work with organisations like yours to help map how team members perceive current levels of psychological safety in their immediate team. Understanding this metric and how it can be impacted by the demands of daily working life can have a huge impact on the effectiveness of organisations and their employees.


Feeling psychologically safe at work helps you to have tough conversations and embrace a learning mindset that leads to better performance at work. It is fundamental to good organisational hygiene.


When you have an inclusive workplace culture, you grow brand ambassadors, are able to execute on great ideas and build performing teams.


The ability to convert ideas into action speaks volumes of your organisation.



Working with the Team Leader to agree the programme of work, set the context, purpose, and high level goals of the team, and understand how psychological safety can support these aims.



The Scan is an effective tool which puts a number on the current temperature of the team and sets the scene for a constructive and transformational Team Debrief. The results can support with benchmarking any shifts in psychological safety levels.



A facilitated session to set the stage, position the core concepts and research, build trust through personal contracting and co-creating shared goals, while clarifying the process and rules of engagement.



A facilitated workshop to debrief the results of the Fearless Organization Scan and explore the current levels of psychological safety in the team. The approach is open and respectful and creates a safe space for productive dialogue where everyone can freely and securely arrive at concrete measurable actions.

Frequently Asked Questions

This programme can have a positive impact in every workplace, on every team.


It is in the conversations we are not taught to have, that we can bring the most fundamental insights to a workplace.


It is through those insights that we can bring more depth to our conversations within our teams, and more innovation, creativity, and progression to our organisations.


Here are some common questions about the programme…

How does the programme work?


This experiential work has to be done live in person or via Zoom. Christina Clark is an accredited Fearless Organization practitioner. The cornerstone of this process is her experience and training. 


We recommend a maximum participation of 10 people per programme, and a minimum of 4, in order to maximise the experience. If you have a larger team, please contact us to discuss potential workshop solutions to fit your needs.

What is the investment?​


This is customised depending on the number of people in the team, the type of business (i.e. not-for-profit or commercial enterprises), whether conducted live in-person or remotely, and location. Please contact us for a quote.

How much of my time will I need to invest?


On average, the leader sessions will be approximately 1hr or 1.5 hrs (depending on team size). The Fearless Organization Scan questions will take less than 5 minutes for the team to complete. The main Debrief is a transformational intervention, lasting half a day.

Did you have any further questions about the programme?


Or maybe some concerns around where to start in your business, time frames, or the potential for opening up difficult conversations?


These are common concerns for uncharted territory, and we would love to cover them and more on a call.

In one word...WOW!

It was one of the most self-reflective meetings I've had in my life. It is not just about someone showing yourself through a is about someone opening up your mind, while together exploring the image. The Workculturati team is absolutely outstanding!



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Bringing cross-cultural voice and experience in international comms, expertise in mediation and psychosynthesis coaching.

An authentic voice to help leaders to find theirs.

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